Dr. Chip Rogers
Middle Georgia State University
Current courses
ENGL 1102.02 Composition II
ENGL 1102.02 schedule
ENGL 1102.08 Composition II
ENGL 1102.08 schedule
ENGL 2111 World Literature I
ENGL 2111 schedule
ENGL 2111 critical responses
ENGL 4430 Topics in World Literature
ENGL 4430 schedule
ENGL 4430 critical responses
Writing matters pages
Writing tips
Simple stuff
Golden rules
Word problems
Bedford marking key
On plagiarism
Tutoring help
1101/1102 grading
2000-4000 grading
Office hours
MGA links
About Chip
Middle Georgia State links
Frequent use
Middle Georgia State University home
Brightspace (D2L) login
SWORDS login
MGA Schedule of courses
Important resources:
MGA Department of English
MGA Library
MGA Writing Center
Student Code of Conduct
Student Handbook (Policies)
Undergraduate Catalog
Office of Graduate Studies
Graduate Studies Catalog