Simple Stuff Exercise

Refer carefully to all "SS" items on the Simple Stuff handout as you complete the assignment below.  Your grade will be determined not on the quality of your writing, but only on your adherence to the guidelines for formatting and presentation outlined in the Simple Stuff handout.

Page 1.  In 150 words or more, define the word "heroic": explain what qualities make people heroes. You're not required to, but you might give examples of people you consider heroes in your own life.

Page 2.  Make a separate "works cited page," with the purely imaginary article below listed as a “work cited.”  The works cited page should have the title, Works Cited, centered at the top of the page, and the bibliographic entry should appear as follows (double-spaced, of course):

Burdowski, T. R.  "The Atlanta Braves: Heroes or Merely Ballplayers?"  The Greatest Game's Greatest Team.  Tenth edition.  Ed. by Frances C. Rogers and Francisco Cabrera.  New York: Not-Too-Likely Books, 2006.  799-838.

Microsoft Word Tip: to make a page break after the paragraph (to start a new page for the works cited page), press the control and enter keys simultaneously at the end of the paragraph.

You may cut and paste the works cited entry from this page into your document, but do make sure the formatting (the font, especially) is consistent with the text of your paragraph: see SSF.

Staple the two pages together and turn them in at the beginning of class Wednesday.