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Editing exercise 3


To: Taylor Ayers, PFWR Intern
From: Anya Moya Dyevushka, MOG-MS District Head   AMD
Date: March 31, 2021 (Post-Covid!)
Re: New Midst-of-Georgia School District middle school “retake” policy

Rogers Education Consultants (REC) have completed their three-year study of our MOG middle-school grading practices. We (MOG-Middle Schools) will implement this first of their 84 recommendations starting next year: students will no longer be allowed to “retake” tests on which they receive grades lower than A on first attempt.  

REC demonstrate conclusively that students allowed routinely to retake tests are being conditioned not to study for tests initially. REC’s evidence indicates overwhelmingly that students whose promotion from grade to grade depends significantly upon retaking tests do not succeed in college, where “second chances” are less common and where there is less pressure to grant all students passing grades regardless of fundamental competence and subject mastery.

Please compose three single-page documents conveying this new policy and its various implications for distribution to these different audiences:

1) MOG middle-school faculty,
2) Our 5,000 MOG middle school students,
3) The parents of our 5,000 MOG middle-schoolers.

If you have questions or would like more specifics from the full 467-page REC report, contact Dr. Chip Rogers.