Essay 2 assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to move us fully from the paragraph-writing mode to the essay-writing mode typical of most composition courses.

The assignment in a nutshell: Develop a typed essay of at least five paragraphs total, including introduction and conclusion, and reaching a minimum of at least 750 words, addressing some topic arising from our discussion of Paul Kivel's "The 'Act Like a Man' Box."

Begin by doing an in-depth prewriting on the subject you choose, following one of the techniques outlined in our Discovery text.

Then construct a topic sentence outline by raising a literal question (an interrogative sentence ending correctly in a question mark) that sets up your fundamental topic in simple and straightforward fashion. Next, write three or more topic sentences that answer the question squarely and directly, repeating the key words from the question itself in each answer (follow the models on the "paper proposal handout"). These topic sentences should be complete sentences, and you should use these sentences to open the respective body paragraphs in your actual essay (copy them from the outline into your essay in word-for-word fashion). Conclude the topic sentence outline by writing a thesis statement that combines the major points from all of the topic sentences: follow the model of the first sample paper proposal on the paper proposal handout.

Compose the essay in full, developing an introduction that ends in your thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs that begin with the topic sentences from your outline, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and sums up the whole discussion.

Revise the essay at least once, improving the unity, coherence, and effectiveness of its content.

Edit the essay carefully for local problems in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other matters of mechanics.

Monday, bring to class your prewriting materials and topic sentence outline, all rough drafts, and a printed copy of the finished essay for peer review.

Make sure you repeat the key words from the outline question in every topic sentence and in the thesis.

Remember to reiterate the key words from topic sentences throughout body paragraphs, in virtually every sentence.

Email me or call me at home if you have any questions or difficulties. You can also see me in the office Monday between noon and 1:00 to have me look at your completed drafts.